Č la prima volta che il podio virtuale venga occupato da tre pianisti di un unico paese. A Weimar la russa Marina Jakląkova (Марина Яклакова) ha vinto al Settimo Concorso internazionale Franz Liszt. Al secondo posto Serghej Sņbolev (Сергей Соболев) e al terzo Ilja Kondrątjev (Илья Кондратьев).
For the first ever time, Russia has swept the podium of the Franz Liszt piano contest in Weimar in Germany. The winners are Maria Yaklakova, Sergei Sobolev and Ilya Kondratyev. The contest has been around since 1994. The contestants play together with local orchestras to audiences which include local music lovers as well as jury members.
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